For the past nine years, almost every week I've written a letter to my parishioners in the weekly bulletin. Today's is the last of those letters.
Dear Friends in Christ,
As I write that salutation to you, “Dear Friends in Christ,” for the last time as your pastor, my heart is filled with wonder and with gratitude for the tenderness that Christ has shown towards me during these past thirteen years. In the communion of life that we have been given together, I have daily encountered the face of Christ; a face of tenderness, mercy, and charity. As I ponder all that Christ has given to me in our communion together, I realize again that there is nothing that Christ will not give to me.
In these last words to you as your pastor, I wish to convey something necessary and serious; a charge of sorts. Do everything possible to preserve the communion of life that God has given to you. Do nothing to weaken that communion. The Evil One tries to steal sheep from the Lord by sowing division. He does this in all sorts of ways. He draws some away from the life of the Sacraments. He draws others away from the sure and certain doctrines of the Church. He draws others away from the authority of the Church’s pastors—the Pope, the bishops, and the priests.
The division that the Devil sows is not only accomplished through grand gestures, but most especially in subtle ways. He does it through gossip, through calumny, through envy, through cattiness, through resentments, through disobedience, through backbiting, through cynicism, and through a thousand other proven methods. Christ draws us continually into deeper communion with the Trinity and with His Body, the Church. Christ is always about the work of communion. He draws the people He loves together through the sacramental life of the Church, through the profession of the One Faith, and through the life of charity.
I urge you to guard zealously the unity that Christ has given to you. Avoid all division. Adhere with all of your strength to the True Faith. Humbly devote yourselves to the Word of God and to the Sacraments. Be obedient to those who exercise authority in the Church. Do nothing and say nothing that would ever allow anyone to think that there was even an inch of distance between you and the Pope, the Bishops, and your priests. Be of one heart and mind. Flee from all division. Never speak ill of one another and never allow envy, cynicism, dissension, or rivalries to have a place among you. Let the whole world marvel at the love that you show towards one another.
These words, I know, are a bit odd to have as a parting letter to you. But, Christ has given to you something truly beautiful. Something so beautiful is always disdainful to the Enemy. Thus, you should be on your guard. Whenever you feel yourself drawn towards division, know that this is the work of the Enemy. Instead, be drawn towards deeper communion. Be quick in forgiving. Be generous in kind speech. Be steadfast in Faith. Be patient in adversity. Be one in mind and heart with your shepherds. Be constant in prayer. Preserve the unity that Christ has given to you. In his great prayer to the Father, Christ prayed, “that all might be one.” When you live that oneness with each other in the communion of the Church, you are living the fulfillment of Christ’s prayer.
How blessed I have been to be your shepherd! How blessed I have been to learn from your example! How blessed I have been to experience the profound communion of the Church in our life together! You can be certain that I will always remember you in my prayers and that I am most grateful to be remembered in your prayers. With all of my heart, I entrust you to the maternal tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May she who is the bright Star of the Sea guide all of us through the storms of this life to the safe harbor of heaven where he who sits upon the throne declares: “Behold, I make all things new!”
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. David Barnes